Consumer Review Service Usage Charter
Bonpoint SAS, whose business address is located 62 avenue d’Iéna 75116 PARIS, FRANCE, registered in the Paris chambre of commerce under the number 702 041 526 (« Bonpoint »), offers a customer-based review service on perfume and skincare products the (« Service ») on its websites. Use of the Service is governed by the present Customer Review User Chart (the « CRUC »). The Service allows end consumers of Bonpoint’s perfume and skincare products (the « Consumers ») to review, talk about their experience, and make any other comment on these products commercialized by Bonpoint (the « Reviews »).
The CRUC governs the use of the Service, and therefore only applys to the Reviews submitted on Bonpoint’s official websites (the « Websites »), listed in Appendix 1. This excludes notably but not exclusively :
- Bonpoint’s distributor’s websites,
- Google reviews,
- Reviews submitted to websites other than the Websites, and in particular consumer review websites.
By submitting a Review, each Consumer is informed by a text inserted in the writing box that his Review must comply with the CRUC.
It is possible that the present CRUC might be modified, and Bonpoint is allowed to proceed to do so without prior notice. Bonpoint shall keep an updated version of the CRUC on the Websites.
The Service might be used by Consumer by writing a Review of 1500 letters maximum, as well as the ranking of the product on a 1 to 5 stars scale.
These Reviews will be published with their submission date by the Consumer and will be ranked from most recent to most ancient, by sumbission date of the Review.
The Service can only be used by a Consumer who owns the product in format sold by Bonpoint, on the Websites and in shops, excluding, for example, samples. Barring the Service, publishing false Reviews, or any other action damaging or that could damage the good functionment of the Service is liable to prosecution.
- Every Consumer can submit a Review, wether he bought the product or received it as a gift.
- Bonpoint’s employees, as well as Bonpoint’s affiliate’s employees do not submit Reviews through the Service, given their knowledge of the products.
Bonpoint will conduct controls on Reviews submitted by Consumers, in order to assure the compliance of such Reviews with the CRUC, Website’s : General Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Such controls will occur before publishing the Reviews.Bonpoint may refuse the publishment of Reviews, notably but not exclusively in the following cases :
- Reviews that contain injurious, slanderous, or defamatory content towards Bonpoint, or its employees,
- Reviews that may affect public order and good morals, or related to pornography and/or violence,
- Reviews that may be interpretated as racist, sexist, negationist, or promoting crimes against humanity, genocides, terrorism,
- Reviews with a high number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes,
- Noncompliance of the Review with the CRUC, General Terms & Conditions, Terms of Use or Privacy Policy.
It is agreed that Bonpoint will have the faculty and may in any situation in which Bonpoint will find necessary, contact a Consumer during the control procedure. Such contact might be established to make the Review compliant with the CRUC, General Terms & Conditions, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Bonpoint is not bound to notify to the Consumer that his Review is being controlled.
Consumers, while submitting a Review, agree that Bonpoint may use, reproduce, represent (publication) and translate, the Review, as well as their communicated name, pseudonym, and/or image, for commercial or noncommercial uses, on all known or currently unknown supports, by all known or currently unknown technical means, throughout the world and for the legal duration of the copyright in each of the countries concerned.Bonpoint remains sole owner of the copyrights, designs and models on the products that it commercializes, as well as it’s trademarks. Publishing of a Review will not create any advantage towards the Consumer, and Consumer will not be entitled to any compensation or payment by using the Service.
Bonpoint handles the good administration of the Reviews, as well as their publishing and their withdrawal.
Therefore, published Reviews may be deleted at all times, notably but not exclusively because of :
- Publishing date of the Review,
- Substantial evolution of the product, or withdrawal of the product from the market,
- Changes in the CRUC, General Terms & Conditions, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, resulting in the incompatibility of the Review with such texts.
Every Consumer can ask for the withdrawal of the Review by contacting, and Bonpoint will proceed to such withdrawal, on any digital supports where it has been reproduced.
Every Consumer can ask to modify their Review, Bonpoint is not obliged to accept such modification. Such request shall be addressed to and will follow the process as stated in Article 2. In the event Bonpoint would not accept modifications, Consumer can still ask for the withdrawal of the Review.
Personal data treatment by the Service shall comply with the Privacy Policy.